Saturday, January 29, 2011

Eardrum Bedazzling Film Scores

Hello again fellow organisms. Today i have a question for you guys (or Ladies). I am currently listening to various pieces of music from various film scores of various epic action motion pictures. The current song is from the movie "Gladiator". I could kill Roman slaves to this song just like Russell Crowe. And this brings me to my question: What if you could have any film score/music from film as your life background music?
I would choose a mixture of Lord of the Rings, 300, The Matrix, Batman Begins, Transformers (1 and 2), Pirates of the Caribbean (1-4 because i know 4 will be awesome), The Last of the Mohicans, Shrek, Wayne's World, LOST (all 6 seasons), Spiderman, Star Wars, Tron (original and Legacy), Homeward Bound, Avatar, Jurassic Park, Home Alone, Band of Brothers/The Pacific/Saving Private Ryan, Footloose, School of Rock, Rocky (all of em), Gladiator, and Star Trek (all of em). I would have one for every hour of the day. Sorry if you were expecting a huge post today but this is all i got for right now. Comment on this to let me know what YOU (and by you i mean you) would choose as your background film music extravaganza bagoosh for your life.
~AWRO: signing off

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Friendly Neighborhood Rapper

Hey pals. New post... woo hoo.... I don't want you guys to react like that whenever you see my blog. i want you to say "I AM PUMPED FOR A NEW WHAT IF QUESTION MADE BY AWRO!!!" OK? OK. here we go. What would happen if our friendly neighborhood Spiderman, met up with somebody at their school? (yes i am going to start using my B.I Skill to highlight the key question) I don't know what would happen if he met up with somebody other than me at whatever education headquarters they are going to (Spiderman only visits the people pursuing their dreams by furthering their academic skill and improving their resume and stuff) so i am going to tell you about what i would do if my friendly neighborhood Spiderman came to my neck of the woods:
I'm walking along in my school (GO STORM) and twiddling my arms (screw thumbs man i'm going big). Then, all of a sudden-HIERONYMUS!-Spiderman comes running into my hallway like GREASED LIGHTNING! I'm thinking "Holy Snot!" when he starts babbling and doing crazy hand gestures like he's nutty as a fruitcake. The first words i could understand were:

They're trying to eradicate, exterminate desolate, annihilate,
extinguish, lay waste, mutilate, liquidate
overthrow, overturn, supersede, repudiate
nullify, do in, blot out, break down

(beat box solo)

I'll talk as fast as i can,
cuz i don't got a plan
i'm being chased by zombies
ya gotta understand
if you help me out
i'll buy you a toucan
cuz i'm your friendly neighborhood spider man

(beatbox solo)

They're trying to cripple, crush, dash, 'n' bash
wipe out, zap, and take my cash
quash, quell, ravage, slay
erase, snuff out, torpedo, fillet
but with you at my side we can win the day!

(Spiderman does the robot and ends rap)

Then, after he was done Dr. Suess'n (or is it Dr. Dre?) we teamed up and destroyed all the zombies in the school by webbing their accessory middle cerebral arteries until they were all EXPUNGED.
all right all you homeboys and homebras. thanks for reading this blog thing and comment on this by writing your favorite word and then finding a synonym for it on this online thesaurus.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

First Post

All right guys. First blog post. Whoa. Lets kick it off with a big honkin' question. What would happen if a polar bear came crashing through your window and said, "i'm a polar bear and it's too warm here."? I would say, "hey Mr. polar bear take a gander at my freezer! Its just big enough for you to live in." and he would say, "UUuugghh" because he had a heat stroke and died. I would be so sad because i should have known that having a Polar Bear (Bold italic skill) in my house should be like an idea cannon going off in my head! KAGOSHIMA! He is hot. He is so hot he doesn't have the energy to drop it like it's hot. He needs freezer magic. I was too slow. He didn't get my freezer magic and now the only thing i can give him is my heart magic. heart magic from a loving embrace. embracing the polar bear. hugging a rotting carcass of the largest land carnivore on planet earth. Except for Nessie. well maybe she's a vegetarian. If she was a carnivore, she'd probably kill everyone at the carnivals held near Loch Ness. But then i guess she would be called a CARNIVALORE. Yep. I hugged a dead polar bear. and then did the sensible thing and turned him into a Skywalker Sled. Yes. I know what you're thinking. you're thinking "What the poop.... is a SKYWALKER SLED?!" I'm not going to tell you. if i told you it would defeat the purpose of me making a blog. hit me up with a comment or something of the sort to guess what a Skywalker Sled is.